Results for 'F. Margarita Zegarra'

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    Social Dimension of Consciousness.Margarita Silantyeva - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 36:139-145.
    The report is devoted to elaboratation creative philosophical models for optimization multi-cultural dialogue into “post modern” global society. The main idea of the article is to describe the basic philosophical models (rooting in ancient philosophy, as the most seriously and fundamental theoretical positions for solution the problem of many-pole's world), connecting them with the main points of modern philosophers (F. Fucuyama, A. Toffler, S. Hantington, S. Averintsev, A. Panarin, Y. Lotman, S. Filatov, A. Malashenco, E. Volkhova etc). The dialogue of (...)
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    On diophantine equations solvable in models of open induction.Margarita Otero - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (2):779-786.
    We consider IOpen, the subsystem of PA (Peano Arithmetic) with the induction scheme restricted to quantifier-free formulas. We prove that each model of IOpen can be embedded in a model where the equation x 2 1 + x 2 2 + x 2 3 + x 2 4 = a has a solution. The main lemma states that there is no polynomial f(x,y) with coefficients in a (nonstandard) DOR M such that $|f(x,y)| for every (x,y) ∈ C, where C is (...)
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    In Search of GeographyThe Origins of Academic Geography in the United States. Brian W. BlouetEmpiricism and Geographical Thought from Francis Bacon to Alexander von Humboldt. Margarita BowenGeography and Geographers: Anglo-American Human Geography since 1945. R. J. JohnstonGeography, Ideology and Social Concern. D. R. Stoddart. [REVIEW]Thomas F. Glick - 1983 - Isis 74 (1):92-97.
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    Hidden Hands: The Lives of Manuscripts and Their Makers.Jeffrey F. Hamburger - 2024 - Common Knowledge 30 (2):207-208.
    The steady stream of books on medieval manuscripts addressed to a popular audience over the past two decades coincides with the advent of tablets such as Amazon's Kindle. As the flatlands of the digital realm encompass more of life, nostalgia for a tactile realm of reading, whether in the making or the perception of artifacts, asserts itself, as does the desire to immerse oneself in the real space of the conventional book, as opposed to the virtual yet denatured spaces of (...)
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    The Sources for Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita.B. V. Sokolov - 1989 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 27 (4):25-45.
    Mikhail Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita was written between 1929 and 1940. Although delayed for a quarter of a century, it quickly found a stable place in our life as soon as it was published [for the first publication of the novel see: Moskva, 1966, no. 11; 1967, no. 1]. It is usually classified as a satirical philosophical novel. The satirical element puts it in the same family as such well-known works of the end of the '20s as (...)
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  6. "Introduction to Logical Theory." By P. F. Strawson.P. F. Strawson - 1952 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 5 (18):169-171.
  7. Indexicaliteit en dynamische intenties.F. A. I. Buekens, X. Vanmechelen & K. Maessen - 2001 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 93 (3):165-180.
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    Comment on a recent conjectured solution of the three-dimensional Ising model.F. Y. Wu, B. M. McCoy, M. E. Fisher & L. Chayes - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (26):3093-3095.
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  9. Boghossian, P., 1 Fine, A., 107 Grimm, SR, 171 Guleserian, T., 293.F. Kroon, E. McCann, B. C. Van Fraassen & C. J. G. Wright - 2001 - Philosophical Studies 106 (306).
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  10. Logische Studien.F. A. Lange - 1878 - Mind 3 (9):112-118.
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  11. The proof theory of comparative logic.F. Paoli - 2000 - Logique Et Analyse 171:357-370.
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  12. Sur la mémoire affective.F. Paulhan - 1902 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 54:545-569.
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  13. Epilogue.F. P. Ramsey - 1925 - In Frank Plumpton Ramsey, The Foundations of Mathematics and Other Logical Essays. London, England: Routledge & Kegan Paul. pp. 287-92.
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  14. 'Being children of the resurrection': Ultimate experience and existence in Luke-Acts.F. G. Carpinelli - 1997 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 20 (1):3-22.
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  15. Christology and Science.F. LeRon Shults - 2008 - William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co..
    Interdisciplinary dialogue with contemporary sciences question the coherence and plausibility of many traditional Christological formulations. This book attempts to show that engaging in this interdisciplinary endeavour is both possible and promising.
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  16. Ιω καλλιθυεσσα.F. Jacoby - 1922 - Hermes 57 (3):366-374.
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  17. (2 other versions)Creation and Abortion: A Study in Moral and Legal Philosophy.F. M. Kamm - 1993 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 22 (4):331-348.
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  18. Existence and predication.F. Sommers - 1973 - In Milton Karl Munitz, Logic and ontology. New York,: New York University Press. pp. 159--174.
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  19. Moral resilience: What makes a moral person so unhappy.F. Oser & R. Reichenbach - 2005 - In Wolfgang Edelstein & Gertrud Nunner-Winkler, Morality in context. Boston: Elsevier.
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  20. Neurobiology of learning.F. B. Rattoni, M. Escobar, K. Pawlik & M. Rosenzweig - 2000 - In Kurt Pawlik & Mark R. Rosenzweig, International Handbook of Psychology. Sage Publications. pp. 629.
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  21. Redes que dan libertad. Introductión a los movimientos sociales contemporáneos. Barcelona, Ed.F. Reichman & F. Fernandez Buey - forthcoming - Kairos.
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    al-Maʻrifah wa-al-ulūhīyah ʻinda Aflāṭūn wa-Arisṭū wa-atharuhā ʻalá al-ʻAllāf wa-al-Fārābī.Sharīf Miṣbāḥ Maḥmūd - 2015 - [Cairo]: al-Hayʼah al-Miṣrīyah al-ʻĀmmah lil-Kitāb.
    Contributions in the concept of the divine; influence; Islamic philosophy.
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  23. Fundamental ideas of Heidegger philosophy.F. Novosad - 1995 - Filozofia 50 (6):263-274.
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  24. Meeting of cultures, or coping with the otherness.F. Novosad - 1999 - Filozofia 54 (10):762-766.
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  25. ST La crise des sciences et son interprétation dans les théories philosophiques de la science.F. Novosad - 1985 - Filozofia 40 (5):546-552.
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  26. Action and Discourse. Some Thoughts Concerning a Non-dualizing Conception of Experience.F. Ofner - 2008 - Constructivist Foundations 3 (3):148-152.
    Purpose: The paper aims at examining whether George Herbert Mead's theory of language is an appropriate candidate for developing a non-dualistic conception of experience and empirical research. Problem: Josef Mitterer has limited his theory of a non-dualizing way of speaking to criticizing dualistic positions in philosophy and sciences but has not developed a non-dualistic conception of empirical research. To do this, the task is to forego the notion "description" as a remainder category of dualism to develop a new understanding of (...)
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  27. Maurice Merleau-Ponty.F. Olafson - 1967 - In Paul Edwards, The Encyclopedia of philosophy. New York,: Macmillan. pp. 6--279.
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  28. Nuovi saggi di P. Carlo sulla dottrina di S. Agostino.F. Ottonello - 1972 - Giornale di Metafisica 27 (1):13-18.
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  29. Robert Henry Robins, 1921-2000.F. R. Palmer & Vivien Law - 2002 - In Palmer F. R. & Law Vivien, Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 115 Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, I. pp. 357-364.
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  30. Schillers Lied An die Freude und sein freimaurerischer Ursprung.F. Paulsen - 1906 - Kant Studien 11:483.
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  31. VEP responses to different Glass pattern configurations.F. Pei & A. M. Norcia - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 85-85.
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  32. Durable development: result and end (s) of the idea of Progress?F. Pierre - 2006 - Semiotica 159 (1-4):305-317.
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  33. Is it Possible to Co-operate Without Interaction?F. Piro - 1997 - Synthesis Philosophica 12:433-444.
  34. Il corpo degli angeli Nel sistema di Baumgarten.F. Piselli - 1998 - Rivista di Estetica 38 (9):87-97.
  35. Mort médicalement assistée et violence sacrificielle: hypothèse anthropologique d'un mécanisme social.F. Pochard, M. Grassin, C. Ballouard & C. Herve - 1998 - Philosopher: revue pour tous 21:25-43.
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    Happiness or welfare.F. Pollock - 1877 - Mind 2 (6):269-272.
  37. Scritti politici di Ortega / The Political Writings of Ortega.F. Polato - 1982 - Filosofia Oggi 5 (2):256-266.
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  38. Simón Bolívar: educator.F. Prieto & B. Luis - 1970 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Doubleday.
  39. Thomas de Sutton, ou la liberté controversée.F. -X. Putallaz - 1997 - Revue Thomiste 97 (1):31-46.
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    Cinquième séance générale.F. Rauh - 1904 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 12 (6):1077 - 1080.
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  41. Sir Jonas Moore. Practical Mathematics and Restoration Science.F. Willmoth & J. Brown - 1994 - Annals of Science 51 (6):659-659.
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  42. On the principle of the flexibility of scientific truth.F. Zwicky - 1934 - Philosophy of Science 1 (3):353-358.
  43. Antonelli, GA, 277 Bamber, D., 1 Bell, JL, 585 Correia, F., 295.I. Düntsch, G. F. Díez, K. Fine, M. Gómez-Torrente, S. M. Glaister, L. Goble, T. Hailperin, S. O. Hansson, L. Humberstone & T. Hyttinen - 2000 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 29 (637).
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  44. (1 other version)Humanism.F. C. S. Schiller - 1904 - International Journal of Ethics 14 (4):520-522.
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  45. Erkenntnis ohne Illusion. Uber einige Grundlagen und Konsequenzen der evolutionären Erkenntnistheorie.F. M. Wuketits - 1983 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 17 (42):44-56.
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    Why More than One Hole through the Moon?F. W. W. - 1911 - The Classical Review 25 (06):166-167.
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    German psychology under the Nazi system: 1933-1940.F. Wyatt & H. L. Teuber - 1944 - Psychological Review 51 (4):229-247.
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    A note on Knight's criticism of Maritain.F. S. Yeager - 1947 - Ethics 58 (4):297-299.
  49. La critica espanola contemporänea.F. Ynduräin - 1956 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 24:321-330.
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    Amorphous silicon carbide photoelectrode for hydrogen production directly from water using sunlight.F. Zhu, J. Hu, I. Matulionis, T. Deutsch, N. Gaillard, A. Kunrath, E. Miller & A. Madan - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (28-30):2723-2739.
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